Dubai Creates New Industry

Smart Glass Dubai was created by computer vision experts in Dubai Festival City. It allows you to see outside your windows and enjoy the view outside. The infrared camera in particular is positioned in the corner of the frame to give you an unobstructed view of the outside world. The resulting panorama view is of a vast clarity and you can even look around with binoculars or even a telescope Folding Doors Dubai.

Eye Q Glass uses a series of high-tech cameras to monitor light entering your house or office. The images are then processed by a group of computer vision specialists located in Dubai with an eye-tracking device and an electronic photo frame. After processing, the images are then seamlessly transferred onto clear, thin, bendable, switchable smart film that allows you to enjoy natural light and unobstructed views whenever you want. You can use the film’s remote control to switch between different perspectives of your surroundings.

The majority of the major car window tinting companies in Dubai offer and install Smart Glass windows. However, you can purchase the product yourself in some of the leading car window tint stores or on the internet (at no cost to you). Smart Glass Dubai uses a proprietary combination of 3D technology and computer vision to create an entirely new perspective of the world you live in. When you view Dubai from the inside, you can see not only the shimmer of the water and the shimmer of the sand dunes but the delicate movements of the wildlife and even your car’s silhouette far away.

Not only is Smart Glass Dubai a unique and intriguing invention, it is also incredibly useful. Made of clear, thin, lightweight film Smart Glass products allow users to make difficult decisions regarding driving in Dubai without having to consider the consequences. In one area of Dubai drivers are required to make right turns at 15 km/h. Even if you make an overtaking maneuver at this high speed, the impact on slowing down to a safe pace won’t be affected.

Drivers from Dubai are now able to turn their heads anywhere because of the development of the smartfilm switchable electronic privacy film. In fact, drivers can observe anything in the room, but their eyes won’t move, and they will not look at other objects that are not part of the driver’s vision. That means your eyes will not move when you look at a tree far away. If you were looking at a photograph on the wall, your eyes would move. Dubai drivers have found this feature to be extremely useful, allowing them to drive safely and without worrying about looking at something that is in the direction of their vision Smart Glass Dubai.

Of course, there are many other ways to use the latest, upgraded smart glass that Dubai users have become used to using. For instance, the use of this new glass means that you can watch TV, browse the web, chat with friends and snap pictures or play games. It also has applications that are not limited to the vehicle. Dubai, for example has installed a wireless telephone system which allows customers to make calls to any location in the world from their smartphones. Smart glass is changing the way people live their lives. It’s easy to see the reasons.

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